Like flowers brightening a wheatfield and giving extra charm, inserts embellish our rugs. They bring an original and precious touch, using threads in materials as unexpected as lurex, phosphorescent fibres, metal, vinyl or leather. An insert is a different material woven into a rug. It can also be made of beads, ribbons or rivets. Inserts add a whole new dimension to a rug and enhance a texture or material, or play with the light in a new way, creating unusual contrasts. Inserts are a perfect illustration of the skills applied by our craftspeople to the production of our Couture rugs. They offer the artists and designers with whom we collaborate many possibilities and a vast areas for exploration and experimentation. Facilitated by the PINTON expertise and the company’s love of innovation, this process allows the artists’ imagination to roam freely. It gives them the opportunity to reinvent materials and create outstanding rugs, both tactile and visually appealing, generating curiosity and admiration.