The Pinton Mill
Black and White film photograph
Image © archives pinton
Gathered under one roof, our weavers, designers, tufters, finance managers and all our teams are driven by the same belief that beauty is useful, the same passion for a well-done job, the same desire to share their knowledge.
A Manufacture Anchored in Family History
While the history of Maison PINTON is inseparable from that of the area, it is also the history of a family. From generation to generation, the PINTON family have been working in trades related to Aubusson tapestry. and rug-making. Its deep roots in the family’s history give the firm outstanding expertise. The teams operating in the workshops and the offices also share the same family spirit. Gathered under one roof since 1973, they rely on dialogue and close collaboration and above all, they all have in common the same drive to share their passion for their trade, for the art of doing well, with passing enthusiasts as well students and apprentices.
historical master Aubusson tapestry makers
A Firm Built on Traditions
A short walk from the centre of Felletin, the PINTON manufactory nestles in a large tree-filled garden reminiscent of the famous verdures or greeneries – the floral tapestries woven in the Aubusson area since the XVIth century.
For centuries the acidic water of the Creuse river, running a few meters away, has been said to remove the grease from the wool. It also feeds the dyeing plants of the area. Historically this area of the Marche county, where Aubusson and Felletin are located, concentrated the various skills involved in tapestry making. Some techniques, such as the use of low carp looms or métiers de basse lisse on which tapestries are woven, have barely changed. The craftsmen and women still apply the same precise turn of hand today, are still driven by the same passion.

Original drawing
Gouache on paper
Image © archives pinton
A Manufacture in Line with its Time
Maison PINTON has always known how to embrace the times. Capturing the zeitgeist also means being a few steps ahead… Adapting its skills to the yachting and aviation industries, producing fitted carpets as early as the 1940s, collaborating with contemporary artists to create very modern pieces, introducing unusual materials in the weave, in particular in the Couture collection, applying new techniques like gun tufting with a gun, PINTON has never stopped innovating. The creation of the Studio Lab in 2021 is further proof of this pioneering spirit.
Lucas PINTON, current head of the family business, follows in these footsteps, securing exclusive partnerships with new artists and designers. Under his leadership, PINTON has been granted several labels and other awards giving international recognition to its expertise and impeccable quality. Finally, PINTON opened two showrooms, in Paris and Nice respectively, to showcase samples and to present the latest pieces from the Couture and Diffusion lines.
Lucas PINTON, actuellement à la tête de la maison familiale, continue sur cette lancée. Il perpétue les collaborations uniques avec de nouveaux artistes et designers et sous son impulsion, PINTON a reçu plusieurs labels et autres distinctions valorisant un savoir-faire et une qualité irréprochable à l’échelle internationale. Enfin, deux show-rooms PINTON ont ouvert respectivement à Paris et à Nice pour pouvoir présenter les échantillons et les dernières nouveautés des collections Haute-Couture et Prêt-à-Porter de la maison.
Focus on Conservation
Promoting the PINTON heritage also means maintaining an archive. With such a rich history, and even though the oldest documents have been lost, PINTON owns an extensive archive, beginning with a collection of proprietary patterns designed in-house in the XXth century and reviving different traditional styles from the times of Louis XVI or Napoleon Bonaparte. Works of art in themselves, some are detailed with charcoal and only part coloured, others are painted in watercolours. In addition, PINTON owns an archive of over 4,000 original cartoons of antique rugs, a collection of photographs including some of the old manufactory and the various pieces created by major artists for the firm, and also order books dating back to 1947, etc. This archive is incredibly valuable for the memories and testimonies that it contains, for the references that tell the story of the past, but also to experience present times and think about the future.