
The Impermanent Collection

Collectible Design Fair 2018
The Impermanent Collection

07/03/18 — 11/03/18
Bâtiment Vanderborght,
Bruxelles (Belgique)

Tapis Redlif
Design by Julien Colombier

Photo © The Impermanent Collection – 2018
Texte source :

“The Impermanent Collection wishes to initiate, through its exhibition projects and its choice of designers, artists and architects with whom it collaborates, a dialogue between Design, Art and Architecture, in creating coherent bridges between these worlds intimately linked. By showing, for example and as an introduction for Collectible Fair’s first edition , that functional objects, attached to a use and a production economy have in common to take sometimes a poetic expression, sometimes an aesthetic character to play with the boundaries between Art and Design.

If during the twentieth century, many uses and many forms have been developed in terms of Industrial Design and Artisanal Design, it seems appropriate nowadays to revisit, re-use or divert these objects and these artifacts,

to seek a match between the useful, the beautiful and the well-done, and thus allow the elaboration of a new and contemporary creation. It is around these themes that The Impermanent Collection, in collaboration with Emilie Pischedda, has chosen to bring together, for the first edition of Collectible Fair in Brussels: furniture design, lighting design, objects and works of art by Marion Duclos Mailaender (Design & Fils) , of Pierre Coddens, Adrien Vescovi and Julien Colombier.

Simultaneously at the gallery Avenue de Stalingrad 13, 1000 Bruxelles: Another Julien Colombier’s rug, edited by the Ateliers Pinton, among a selection lighting and furniture design by GMDiffraction, Pierre Coddens and collective Ker-Xavier.”